The Author: Kiko Arguello

Kiko Arguello

Francisco-José Gómez de Argüello Wirtz (Kiko Arguello), was born in Leon, Spain on January 9th, 1939. He studied Fine Arts in the Academy of San Fernando of Madrid receiving the title of Professor of Painting and Design. In 1959 he received the Extraordinary National Prize for Painting.

After a deep existential crisis, a serious conversion happened inside of him which brings him to dedicate his life to Jesus Christ and the Church. In 1960, with the sculptor Coomontes and the Glass Artist Muñoz de Pablos, he founded a group of research and development of Sacred Art named “Gremio 62”. With this group he made exhibits in Madrid (National Library), and represents Spain, being named by the Department of Cultural Affairs, in the Universal Exhibit of Sacred Art in Royan (France) in 1960. In these same dates Kiko exhibited some of his works in Rolanda (Galena “Nouvelles images”).

Convinced that Christ was present in the suffering of the Last Ones of the earth, in 1964 he went to live amongst the poorest, moving into a shanty made out of wood in Palomeras Altas, in the suburbs of Madrid. Later, Kiko met Carmen Hernandez and, driven by the environment of the poor, they saw themselves forced to find a form of preaching, a kerygmatic-catechetical synthesis, which gave birth to the formation of a small Christian community.

The first community was thus born amongst the poor. This community in which was made visible the love of Christ crucified, became a “seed” which, thanks to the then Archbishop of Madrid, Mons. Casimiro Morcillo, was planted in the parishes of Madrid and later on in Rome and other nations. In contact with the parishes of different cultural environments, little by little a way of adult Christian formation was outlined which discovers and recovers the richness of Baptism. Kiko Argüello, Carmen Hernandez and the Italian priest Rev. Mario Pezzi, are today the responsible at the international level for the Neocatechumenal Way, which is present in 101 nations in the 5 continents. Kiko Argüello has been invited in numerous occasions by John Paul II as well as Benedict XVI to participate to the Synod of Bishops for the Catholic Church as auditors since 1999. In 2009 he received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa by the Pontfical Institute John Paul II for Studies on Marriage and Family , an institution that has its center in the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome. In 2011 he was named consultor of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization, founded by Benedict XVI in 2010 to bring about the evangelization of countries with ancient Christian roots which are most a ected by the phenomenon of secularization.

The pastoral renewal which little by little has been brought on in various parishes through the Neocatechumenal Way, has inspired other charisms which have been concretized into instruments at the service of the new evangelization, such as Itinerant Catechists, Missionary Seminaries “Redemptoris Mater”, Families in Mission, Missio ad Gentes, Communities in Mission, which have converted the Neocatechumenal Way into – we can say – an ecclesial vanguard for the announcement of the gospel. In the same way channels of esthetic renewal have been developed (music, painting, architecture, glass-art-work, signs and liturgical ornaments) which are able to express and revive the contents of Christian faith in today’s man.

In this way the songbook “Resucitó” appeared, with around 300 songs for the liturgy that today are sung in all languages in the Church of the world, some of which were included in records already in the 1970’s and others were recently recorded such as “Maria, Piccola Maria” (Italy, 1992) or “Maria, Paloma Incorrupta” (Spain, 2010).

Here some of his art and architectural works are listed:

Art Work



  • Apse of the Cathedral of Madrid (La Almudena) with seven great frescos about the mysteries of the life of Christ and with a central “Pantocrator”
  • “The Last Supper”, and “The Dormition of the Virgin”, Parish of Nuestra Señora del Transito;
  • “The Transfiguration”, Parish of San Jose;
  • “Pentecost”, Parish of La Paloma;
  • “Great Mysteric Crown” Parish of St. Catalina Labouré;


  • “Birth of Jesus, Baptism and Resurrection””, Parish of San Frontis;


  • “Great Altarpiece with the mysteries of the life of Christ” Parish of St. Peter of Pinatar.


  • Rome, Mural, Crypt in the Parish of the Canadian Martyrs: the “Holy Trinity” and the “Ascension of the Lord”, Parish of Sta. Frances Cabrini;
  • The “Apparition of Christ Risen to St. Thomas, Parish of St. Louis of Gonzague;
  • Porto S. Giorgio: “Mysteries of the Life of Christ”;
  • Florence: “Mysteric Crown”, Parish of St. Bartolo in Tutto;
  • Piacenza: “Mysteries of the Life of Christ”


  • Domus Galiaeae, Korazim, “The Final Judgement”.


  • Shangai, Altarpiece of the Church of St. Francis Xavier.

Architectural Works

  • Israel: on top of the Mount of the Beatitudes, Domus Galilaeae.
  • Italy: Porto S.Giorgio, “International Center for the New Evangelization”.
  • Spain:
  • Madrid, Church and Catechumenium of the Parish of St. Catherine Labouré;
  • Neocatechumenal Center “La Pizarra”, Madrid.
  • Finland: Oulu, Parish Church of St. Ansgar.


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Orchestra Performances

Mano del director

The Orchestra and Choir of the Neocatechumenal Way (OSCNC) was formed in Madrid on December 8th, 2010. Since its inception, it has performed concerts in the following places:


  • ROME: Paul VI Hall (Nervi Hall), Vatican City, before His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, in an Audience with the Neocatechumenal Communities, January 17th, 2011
  • ISRAEL: Aula Magna,Domus Galilaeae (Korazim, Israel), concert for 250 Bishops from all the world, and dignitaries of the State of Israel, January 31st, 2011
  • ISRAEL: Aula Magna,Domus Galilaeae (Korazim, Israel), concert for the Jewish Community of Northern Galilee and dignitaries of the State of Israel, April 21st, 2011
  • PARIS: Church of Notre-Dame de Bonne Nouvelle (Paris, France), March 27th, 2011
  • DUSSELDORF: Arena Esprit (Dusseldorf, Germany), concert celebrated in preparation for World Youth Day 2011, before bishops and dignitaries from Germany, and 50,000 attendees, May 29th, 2011
  • MADRID: La Almudena Cathedral (Madrid, Spain), memorial concert/celebration honnoring the Holy Trinity, presided by the Cardinal of Madrid, for dignitaries of the Diocese of Madrid and general public, March 19th, 2011
  • MADRID: Plaza de Cibeles (Madrid, Spain), concert performed in the Vocational Meeting of the Neocatechumenal Way for World Youth Day 2011, before bishops and dignitaries of the whole world, and 250,000 attendees, August 22nd, 2011
  • ISRAEL: Bethlehem Convention Palace and Auditorium, city of Bethlehem, Christmas concert/celebration presided by the Jerusalem Latin Patriarch, for the christian community of Palestine, December 27th, 2011
  • ISRAEL: Gerard Behar Auditorium of the City of Jerusalem, with the participation of more than 700 Jewish people and presided by Rabbi David Rosen, December 29th, 2011



  • ROME: Paul VI Hall (Nervi Hall), Vatican City, before His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, in an Audience with the Neocatechumenal Communities. January 21st, 2012

  • USA Tour: “A Symphonic Homage and Prayer” ( series of concerts for the Jewish and Catholic communities, in selected USA cities:

    • Boston Symphony Hall, Boston MA, May 6th 2012
    • Avery Fisher Hall (Lincoln Center), New York City NY, May 8th 2012
    • Jewish Center of Teaneck, Teaneck NJ, concert for the NJ Jewish communit, May 9th, 2012
    • Brooklyn Cathedral, Brooklyn NY, concert presided by Brooklyn archbishop, May 10th, 2012
    • Chicago Orchestra Hall, Chicago IL, May 14th 2012



  • POLAND: Auschwitz Memorial Concert, in front of the Gates of Death of Auschwitz-Birkenau (Krakow, Poland) concentration camp, presided by Card. Stanisław Dziwisz and attended by 10,000 people, including members of the Polish Episcopal Conference, around 200 Rabbis and jewish personalities, Krakow political authorities and general public. June 23rd 2013
  • POLAND: Lublin Oval Square (plac Zamkowy), Lublin. Poland. Concert to celebrate Laurea Honoris Causa in Sacred Theology to Kiko Arguello, from the prestigious John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, and performed for members of the JPII Catholic University, Polish Episcopal Conference, around 200 Rabbis and other jewish personalities, Lublin political authorities and general public. June 25th, 2013
  • HUNGARY: Hungarian State Opera House, Budapest. Concert for the Budapest Jewish and Catholic communities, and general public. Pesided by Card. Dr. Péter Erdő. June 27th, 2013



  • MADRID: Caja Magica Hall, Madrid. Concert for Madrid Neocatechumenal Communities, presided by Madrid Archbishop, D. Carlos Osoro. March 22nd, 2015
  • ISRAEL: Aula Magna, Domus Galilaeae (Korazim, Israel), concert for 200 Jewish Rabbis of the whole world, Bishops and Cardinals of the Catholic Church and dignitaries of the State of Israel. May 5th, 2015



  • JAPAN: Concerts “in memoriam” for the 2011 Tsunami victims, in selected Japan cities:

    • Main Auditorium, Fukushima city. Presided by Mons. Hirayama and Local authorities. May 5th, 2016
    • City Auditorium of Koriyama. May 6th, 2016
    • Suntory Hall, Tokyo. May 7th, 2016
  • ROME: Paul VI Hall (Nervi Hall), Vatican City, concert/celebration belonging to the acts of the Jubilee of Mercy 2016, presided by Cardinal Paul J. Cordes, for Holy See dignataries, foreign ambassadors and general public. October 7th, 2016.



  • ISRAEL: Aula Magna, Domus Galilaeae (Korazim, Israel), concert for 400 Jewish Rabbis of the whole world, Bishops and Cardinals of the Catholic Church, and dignitaries of the State of Israel. May 2nd, 2017

  • TRIESTE: Piazza Unità d’Italia, Trieste, memorial concert honoring victims of the Shoah organized by the Diocese, Town Hall and Jewish Community of Trieste. June 25th, 2017



  • SORIA: Concatedral de San Pedro, Soria, concert in memoriam Carmen Hernandez (, in the Jubilee Year granted by Pope Francis to the Claire Sisters from Soria. Presided by the Bishop of Soria, attended by civil and religious personalities and more than 4000 people. May 27th, 2018

  • BERLIN: Berliner Philharmoniker Hall, Berlin, concert in memoriam of the victims of the Shoah. Presided by the Bishop of Berlin, for diplomatic, religioous and jewish world personalities. June 10th, 2018





  • Madrid: Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid, Honoris Causa doctorate ceremony for David Rosen and Kiko Arguello, a reduced version of the Symphony was performed by string quartet, piano and choir. October 25th, 2021

  • Roma: Basilica San Paolo Fuori la mura, Roma, Presentation of the book “Carmen Hernandez, Biographic Notes”. November 29th, 2021






The Symphony



Dear Brothers and Sisters: How could I presume to compose music? Is it because of my pride? Or my vanity? Be that as it may: “Never avoid doing good for the fear of vanity, for this comes from the devil” an elderly priest once told me. “To do good … " Is it good to compose music? 1 present to you a small musical composition, which I would like to be a homage to the suffering of the innocents. Can music, perhaps, say something more profound on such a significant theme?

The suffering of the innocents ... The philosopher Sartre said: "Woe to the man whom the finger of God crushes against the wall," and Nietzsche: "If God exists and does not help those who suffer, he is a monster, and if he cannot help them, he is not God, he does not exist."

To be crushed against the wall. Men lying on the street, dying of cold. Children abandoned and housed in horrific orphanages, where they suffer violence and are abused. That woman, whom I met in that neighborhood, suffering from Parkinson's disease, abandoned by her husband, whose mentally-ill son beat her with a stick, and was begging for alms. I was overwhelmed in front of Jesus dead on the Cross, present there, in that woman and so many others ... What a mystery the suffering of so many innocents who bear the sins of others, incest, a violence unheard of, the line of naked women and children going towards the gas chamber, and the deep pain of one of the guards who, from within his heart, heard a voice: "Get in line with them and go with them to die; "and he did not know where this voice came from ... It is said that after the Horror of Auschwitz, it is no longer possible to believe in God. No! It is not true!

In this small work, the Virgin Mary presents herself submitted to the scandal of the suffering of the innocents in her own flesh, in the flesh of her son. "Oh, Such Pain!" sings a voice while a sword pierces her soul.

We would like to contemplate and sustain the Virgin who accepts the sword which, according to the prophet Ezekiel, God had prepared for the sins of his people, which now pierces the soul of this poor woman!

Maria, we shall sing with you "Shema Israel" together with all the Hebrew mothers, whom as you did, have seen their own children die. Let all of us sing.

Some descriptive comments of the Symphony’s Movements

The symphony consists of five movements.

The first movement was called “**Getsemaní**” (Gethsemane), which was the name of the garden where Our Lord Jesus Christ went to pray and he fought a terrible battle, because he had to prepare to give his life for all the men over the earth. There, full of fear, he says to his Father: "Abba! If it is not possible for this chalice to pass without drinking it, then may your will be done." Hiis suffering was so terrible that God sent him an angel to support him. That is why, in the middle of this first movement, the female violinists stand up and play, symbolizing the arrival of the angel. Later, a snare drum cadenza indicate the soldiers with Judas the traitor are coming, to seize him, torture him and crucify him. And the movement ends with the choir singing "Abba! Father! ", Which means that Christ accepts to be tortured and crucified by all the mankind.

The second movement is called “**Lamento**” (Lament). I invite you to contemplate the Virgin, under the cross of her Son, feeling a deep pain. You will hear a harp, symbolizing the tears of the Virgin Mary.

The third movement is called “**Perdónales**” (Forgive them). I invite you to contemplate a crucified, suffering Jesuschrist, who cries out to the Father: "Forgive them!", asking for forgiveness for all men. For this reason a tenor will sing "Perdónales!" towards the end of the movement.

The fourth movement is called “**La Espada**” (The Sword). This "sword" is important, since the prophet Ezekiel sees that his people have committed many sins, from incest, violence, usury, murder, and God says to the prophet: "Prophesy a sword that will fall on them." This sword is not a punishment of God, it is the product of their wickedness, because God had told them not to ally with Egypt, and they have not obeyed. They did not want to obey God, and that is why King Nebuchadnezzar, irritated against this people, has surrounded Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple, and through this "sword" the blood now flows throughout the city. This prophecy is completely true for us today. Nearly 70 years have passed since two world wars that have caused 60 million deaths, with 6 million Jews killed in concentration camps, two atomic bombs dropped on Japan: Hiroshima and Nagasaki ... Then this "sword", present in our society by the sins of men, has been accepted by the Virgin Mary to save us, and for this reason the Gospel says that "a sword pierced the soul of the Virgin", when she is under the cross. Another aspect of this "sword" are natural disasters, earthquakes, the tsunami, the Fukusima nuclear power plant. Why this? Is it a punishment from God because of our sins? They ask Jesus Christ, when an earthquake caused a tower to collapse, and they all died: "Why this? Is it because they have been sinners, some wicked, and God punishes them?" And Christ says: "No. It is not because of their sins. Do you think you are better than these men? No, I tell you." This is a word that calls all men to conversion, to turn to God. With these facts that have happened in Japan, God is speaking to all mankind. I say we should all rethink our life, all based on pleasure, money and pride. It is a word of help for us, to discover that our life is precarious, that we can die at any moment.

Finally, the fifth movement is called “**Resurrexit**”, because Christ, who died for all men, God has raised him from the death, and we are announcing to the whole world the resurrection, the victory over death. Christians do not die, and also for you it is the hope of resurrection and eternal life, eternal happiness in Heaven.


***Kiko Arguello. Koriyama (Japan), May 6th 2016***


Concerts Schedule




On Friday, July 19, 2024, at 6:40 p.m., Rai5 (the music and art television channel) will broadcast Kiko Argüello’s EL MESÍAS by Kiko Argüello, premiered at the Teatro Verdi in Trieste on November 19, 2023.

To watch the concert on Rai5:

  • from ITALY (DVB): to watch the concert on Rai5, the digital terrestrial television channel is channel 23.
  • from the Internet: to watch the concert in streaming video, access the RaiPlay platform by connecting from your computer, smartphone, tablet or Smart TV to and selecting the Rai5 channel.

After the broadcast on July 19, EL MESÍAS will be available for 7 days through the TV Guide/Replay function.

It can be replayed on RaiPlay by typing EL MESÍAS in the SEARCH section.

The program will be available on RaiPlay until 12/31/2024.

You can get more up to date news in our Social Media links:

Social Media of the OSCNC

The CNC Orchestra



Tomáš Hanus


Luciano di Giandomenico


Violin I Violin II
Vanessa Alfaro (concertmaster) Virginia Leon (leader)
Saul Suarez Lobo (2nd concertmaster) Inmaculada Martin (principal)
Saray Prados Bravo Clara Perez Meroño (principal)
Daniel Hernando Vicario Sara Vega Moreno
David Urdiales del Campo Raquel Hernando Romero
Sofia Carmona Hernando Irene Gonzalez Fernandez
Ignacio Prats Arolas Agatha Frysz
Janez Bokavsek Marien Rubio Aldehuela
David Marzoli Mateo Tuñon Granda
David Garcia-Amado Maria di Giandomenico
Giulia Sciancalepore Paula Rivas Cheliz
Zuzana Jurczak Peter Gajdoš
Lorenzo Morelli Tomas Michael Hanus
Ines Gomez Segui Judita Gajdošová
Esteban Turiel Pascual Nuno Chagas
Gregor Dietrich Isabel Robles Gaitero
Viola Violoncelli/Violonchelos
Gabriele Croci (principal) Maria Laura Zingarelli (principal)
Luigi Moccia (principal) Elias Leceta (principal)
Jorge Gallardo Suarez Jesus Vazquez Lopez
Maria Asensio Nogueira Miriam Rivera Salmeron
Maurizio Fortuna Pedro Hernandez Garriga
Renato Notaro Miguel Gonzalez Fernandez
Giovanni Petrella Andrea Vega Moreno
Davide Vinciguerra Ana Maria Morales Tent
Juan Urdiales del Campo Maria Suarez Lopez
Ana Benito Riccardo Paladin
Ignacio perez Meroño Giovanni Loiudice
Maria Chara Moccia Maria Paolicelli
Isaac Abril<
Double Bass
Antonio Sciancalepore (principal)
Marta Franco Latorre (principal)
Abel Ivars Morales (principal)
Ana Gonzalez Fernandez
Irene Rodriguez Valles
Jesus Manzanares Romero
Giancarlo Rizzo
Davide Sergi
Samuel Robles Gaitero
Mattia Rossi
Pablo Martinez Adan


Guitars, Harp, Piano

Harp and Piano Guitars
Carmen Escobar (Harp, principal) Daniel Garcia Garcia (principal)
Franca Parenti (Harp) Luis M. Fernandez (principal)
Claudio Carbo Montaner (Piano, principal) Maria Victoria Gorostiza
Jesus Gomez Madrigal (Piano) Alfonso V. Carrascosa
Juan Pablo Garcia Serrano
Ana Cheliz de Lucio
Diego Sanchez Alcolea (baroque lute & arch-lute)
Fulvio Marchesin (bass)
Salvador Carbo Muntaner (bass)



Flute Oboe
Alberto Esteban Rojo (principal) Lucia Valles Rodriguez (principal)
Ilona Hofmanova (principal) Miriam Aguilar Cornejo (principal)
Jesus Cortes Pendon Tomeu Gili Mulet
Maria Urdiales del Campo Debora Marquez Serrano
Clarinet Bassoon
Juan Soto Alvaredo (principal) Manuel Aguilo Furio (principal)
Hector J. Hurtado Salazar (principal) Mauro di Carlo
Israel Fernandez Granados Julia Valles Rodriguez
Maria Sanchez del Solar (Bass cl.)



French Horn Trumpet
Maria Jose Ruiz Cabello (principal) Sergio Rodriguez Herrero (principal)
Maria Olivera Rodriguez (principal) Gabriel Rivera Salmeron (principal)
Luis M. Orviz
Zoilo Ballester Gutierrez Samuele Mammano
Riccardo Lorenti Samuel Ballester Gutierrez
Trombone Tuba
Miguel Rivera Salmeron David Olivera Rodriguez (principal)
Jesus Gomez Madrigal Paolo Alfieri (Bombardino)
Joan Gil
Riccardo Lorenti



Matteo Pietropaolo (timpani)
Vizenzo Leuzzi
Joaquin Molla
Paula Serrano Arviza
Maria Jesus Nuez


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